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After School Programs

After School Programs begin at the end of the school day and last three hours, except for early release Monday which last for four hours.  There is no After School Programs on Fridays.  After School Programs begin in the end of September and closes after the first week in May each school year.  Ask your learners' teacher for a referral to join the After School Program.

Greenacres/Tendoy pick up time is 5:00 - 5:15p.m.
Tendoy Pre-school pick up time is 2:00p.m.
Tyhee pick up time is 5:00 - 5:15p.m.
Wilcox pick up time is 5:00 - 5:15p.m.

The After School Program is grant-funded academic and enrichment program that provides an hour of enrichment, an hour of academics, snacks and includes time for physical activity to qualified learners.  The program is open to learners with working parents, under-served youth and/or learners who need academic intervention time.

Tutoring and homework help are provided to all program participants. 

Recess and enrichment activities and community partners engage with students.

Community partners include the Idaho Museum of Natural History, Marshall Public Library, Portneuf Library, 4-H Nutrition, and 4-H Robotics.


Ashley Marley

Titles: After School Program Coordinator